Dear Residents,
We continue to be busy during these interesting times. Dealing with the Coronavirus has impacted all of our lives in a multitude of ways. Regardless, the beat goes on. The following items are what we are currently addressing or have addressed in the past weeks.
- The HOA Board unanimously approved to close the gym due to health concerns. Our usual cleaning service simply isn't enough to ensure the safety of our residents. All pool keycards will be disabled and the gym will the off-limits until local and state officials deem otherwise.
- The HOA Board unanimously approved to close the Clubhouse (and stop rentals) due to health concerns. Again, our usual cleaning service simply isn't enough to ensure the safety of our residents. The Clubhouse will the off-limits until local and state officials deem otherwise.
- The new pool furniture has arrived and has been assembled. We are currently evaluating the purchase of new umbrellas.
- Two LED light bulbs in the pool are being replaced along with the rubber gaskets around their fixtures. Because the lights are less than a year old, our hope is there is some sort of warranty in place to cover the replacement. This is currently being investigated.
- The mushroom pump motor is being replaced.
- A new and updated Georgia pool rules sign has been ordered to bring us up to code.
- A host of new lifeguarding materials are being ordered as well. Much of our current pool accessories are either badly damaged or out of specification. These include things like the first aid kit, certain flotation devices, pool brushes, etc. Again, several of these items are needed to bring us up to code.
- The issue with the unlocked retention pond gate has been resolved.
- The lights at the front of our entrance are being accessed. They could be fixed by the time you read this.
- The board has authorized Heritage to begin addressing HOA violations. If you are not compliant with our covenants, you may begin receiving fines. If you have any questions, our covenants can be found here:
- We continue to evaluate and audit several of our current vendors. If we decided better and more cost-efficient options exist, we will make a change.
Thank you for your support,
The Hampton Station Board